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─── Humidifiers

Whole-Home Humidifier, The Cure for Winter’s Dry Air

Is the air inside your home too dry? A whole–home humidifier installed by the Smylie One can help. Air that is too dry can wreak havoc on your sinuses and skin. It can also damage furnishings and wood floors.  Ideal indoor humidity levels can range between 30 and 50 percent, and anything outside of that range can be detrimental to both your comfort and your health.

─── Humidifiers

Whole-Home Humidifier, The Cure for Winter’s Dry Air

Is the air inside your home too dry? A whole–home humidifier installed by the Smylie One can help. Air that is too dry can wreak havoc on your sinuses and skin. It can also damage furnishings and wood floors.  Ideal indoor humidity levels can range between 30 and 50 percent, and anything outside of that range can be detrimental to both your comfort and your health.

Benefits of a Whole-Home Humidifier


Airborne viruses thrive in areas with low humidity. A whole house humidifier can help you stop the spread of cold, flu, and other virus causing contaminants.


Dry winter air leaves us vulnerable to dry skin, sinus infections, allergies and colds. Humidifiers help maintain an ideal moisture level for a healthier home. 


A whole house humidifier will help you preserve and protect your furniture, flooring, woodwork, instruments and other important household items, keeping them in their best condition without the worry of warping and rot.

Energy Efficiency

Humidifiers help lower heating bills by raising the humidity levels, making your home and body feel warmer and more comfortable all winter long. 

Prevent Static Electricity

Whole-home humidification solutions help to prevent static shock by reducing the static electricity in your home. 


Maintaining the optimal humidity level increases your overall comfort when trying to fall asleep. It can help ease an itchy, irritated throat.


Signs Your Home Has Too Much Humidity


Signs Your Home Has Too Much Humidity

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