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─── Tankless Water Heater Maintenance
How Often Does a Tankless Water Heater Need Maintenance?
Across the industry, proactive maintenance for tankless water heaters needs servicing at least once a year. Primarily, there are water and air filters that need cleaning. Your system also needs flushing due to internal mineral and sediment buildup and unexpected technical issues you’ve experienced.
Should your home reside in an area with a high concentration of hard water, or possibly the appliance’s water temperature stays set on high. Smylie One recommends having your system serviced twice a year to protect your heating system investment.
─── Tankless Water Heater Maintenance
How Often Does a Tankless Water Heater Need Maintenance?
Across the industry, proactive maintenance for tankless water heaters needs servicing at least once a year. Primarily, there are water and air filters that need cleaning. Your system also needs flushing due to internal mineral and sediment buildup and unexpected technical issues you’ve experienced.
Should your home reside in an area with a high concentration of hard water, or possibly the appliance’s water temperature stays set on high. Smylie One recommends having your system serviced twice a year to protect your heating system investment.
6 Benefits of Tankless Water Heater Maintenance
A surprise to many when considering switching over to a tankless water heater system is the maintenance benefits they get. Besides the compact size, hot water on demand, and energy efficiency, routine maintenance is the primary factor in the unit’s long life. Having it inspected once a year, here are some benefits you can expect.
System Flush
Minerals will collect inside the water heater. For that reason, the heat exchanger needs inspecting. Flushing the system removes all the residue, preventing unit failure.
Water Filter Cleaning
On the tankless system is a screen that traps sediments trying to enter. Having that filter cleaned removes any functionality issues and sediment buildup causes.
Air Filter Cleaning
Inside the tankless water heater appliance, the air filter must be removed and cleaned. When the filter does not get washed, it blocks the airflow the water heater needs as part of its functionality.
Improves Energy Efficiency
As with any energy-efficient equipment, the yearly checkup ensures you’re still saving money on monthly energy bills. The inspection finds and corrects any fuel source inefficiency.
Fewer Repairs
A well-maintained tankless water heater system eliminates unexpected repairs. If there are any current technical issues during the inspection, expect to get those addressed.
The most significant benefit of routine maintenance, it extends the lifespan of your tankless water heating system. Instead of barely getting 20 years, it’s possible to get more years of use due to annual checkups.
To uncover all the benefits of a tankless water heater maintenance program, contact Smylie One Heating, Cooling & Plumbing today!
A Smylie One Partnership Plus Plan Protects Your Investment
Our Smylie One Partnership Plus Plan is a proactive maintenance program designed exclusively for our preferred clients. You have the option of 1, 2, or 3-year plan membership options. As a member, you will enjoy maximum benefits and discounts. To protect your investment, here are just a few benefits you’ll receive:
Lowest Price – You will never have to ask for a discount. As a member, you get our very best price for all of your preventative maintenance.
Waive Fees – If your system needs service and you want the recommended repairs, we waive the service diagnostic fee.
15% Off of Service Repairs – As a Partnership Plus Plan Member, you will never pay the regular service rates.
No Overtime or Holiday Rates – Your diagnostic fee and repair estimate are based on Monday-Friday daytime business hour rates. That applies to all of our members!
Discounts on Everything – Our members get exceptional deals on all of their purchases for new comfort products, parts, and other services we provide.
Extended Parts & Labor Coverage – There are additional benefits when purchasing a two- or three-year membership. Those one-year parts and labor coverage on all your repairs automatically extends to two years!
To discover the full range of benefits, you’ll get from the Smylie One Partnership Plus Plan, contact Smylie One Heating, Cooling & Plumbing today!
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